In today’s environment of connected vehicles, the entire ownership lifecycle has become increasingly more difficult and complex. Vehicles today are initially customized to new vehicle owner preferences from day one, with automatically adjusting mirrors and seat positioning, connecting automatically to the driver’s Bluetooth devices, and even storing payment and credit card information. Simply put, there is much more to re-selling vehicles and managing the ownership change process now than ever before. Vehicle owners throughout the ownership lifecycle have increasingly high digital expectations for their connected car capabilities and expect the new car set-up to be as seamless as possible. In this webinar event, representatives from SBD Automotive, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, and General Motors discuss how to leverage data and analytics to improve your customer experience. The webinar will offer insights into how vehicle owners and the industry at large can benefit from digital adoption strategies and overcome the technological barriers that still need to be solved. Through this complimentary session you will learn to:
1. Maximize customer relationships and ROI for your connected services programs
2. Take your customer relationships virtual by creating a seamless digital experience
3. Protect your consumers, their data, and your reputation
Join SBD Automotive’s Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) Jeffrey Hannah, as he addresses these topics with a pair of industry leading experts on automotive digital adoption. Dave Nemtuda, Head of OEM Product Development for LexisNexis Risk Solutions, and Joe Mitrani, Manager of Global Emerging Business for General Motors.
Eventdatum: Dienstag, 15. Juni 2021 19:00 – 20:00
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
SBD Automotive Germany GmbH
Burgunderstr. 27-31 (Burgunderhof)
40549 Düsseldorf
Telefon: +49 (211) 9753153-0
Telefax: +49 (211) 9753153-9
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